If you come to work and live in the Netherlands, there is a lot to arrange. This website explains your rights and obligations, what you need to arrange and what agreements you have to make. The information is divided into themes. In each theme, you can find the answers to questions relating specifically to that topic, by clicking on the plus signs or by filling in a search term.
Most viewed questions and answers:
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What you need to know about healthcare in the Netherlands
At your municipality or at an office for non-residents
What to do if you are dismissed
Know what you earn for your work
Work under the right conditions
Which organisations can help you with problems you may face in the Netherlands?
What you need to know about healthcare in the Netherlands
What you need to know for living here safely and fairly
What are the options for learning the Dutch language and receiving further training?
What is involved in travelling to and from your work
What you need to know about Dutch taxes and allowances. Netherlands?
What do I need to do if I want to work as a self-employed person in the Netherlands?